The Art of Transitioning

by Linda Stein Originally published in On The Issues Magazine I’m caught in an artistic state of transition. I didn’t plan it. It came slowly, over a period of 6-8 months, maybe more. I wasn’t aware of it happening. It…
Sculptor Linda Stein Apologizes to the Girl She Bullied in Childhood
by Linda Stein HAS BULLYING AFFECTED YOUR LIFE? TELL US ABOUT IT. SEE SURVEY AT THE END OF THE ARTICLE. Originally published in On The Issues Magazine, Hot Topics In eighth grade, I was a bully. We were five girls…
Do you know that the average female artist earns 10%-30% of what a male artist of comparable standing earns for selling comparable art? The Economist Magazine says it all in its recent article The price of being female In…
Pushing Back Attacks on Artistic Freedom
originally published in On The Issues Magazine, Summer 2011 Conservative Republicans flexed considerable muscle earlier this year and threw a knockout punch against freedom in the arts. Led by House Speaker John Boehner, Majority Leader Eric Cantor, the Catholic League…
Female Violence in Search of Justice
originally published in On The Issues Magazine, Winter 2011 Remember Lorena Bobbitt? I asked my partner that question and her response was a devious smile. Why her tinge of pleasure? The 1993 Bobbitt case brought public attention to the issues…
Icons, Superheroes and Fantasies a Feminist Can Love?
originally published in On The Issues Magazine, Winter 2011 I hate violent movies. I was never drawn to the shoot ‘em up genre that attracts so many viewers to the big screen with buildings and people blowing up, blood…
Feminist Fantasies?
As I wrote in On The Issues Magazine I have looked for feminist pop-culture icons searching for Parity/Protection/Peace. Please fill out this quick survey to let me know your favorite feminist icons in pursuit of justice.
Wonder Woman and Lisbeth Salander
So you probably know by now that I’m writing, lecturing and making sculpture (The Fluidity of Gender will travel for 3 years) addressing my current fascination with the connection between Steig Larsson’s Girl with the Dragon Tattoo of 2009 and…
DC Comics Flunks Test with Wonder Woman Makeover
I need to rant about the Wonder Woman (WW) costume “makeover” that DC Comics just put out for its 21st century version of this superhero. In yesterday’s NY Times George Gene Gustines gives the impression that this change in wardrobe…